Happy New Year cutie pie! It was well needed to let off some steam about 2020 in the past couple of days but I'm very grateful for the year I've had in spite of everything. 2020 has been the year of friendship for me. I don't know if it's because of forced isolation, probably in part, but as much as we saw less of each other and feasted less, we talked more and listened more. ‘’Together apart’’, at least that's what I felt. Like everyone else, I've had several disappointments in 2020, but I'm turning the page. My highlights of this past year have been the new friendships made threw my art, on social media, dm friends that have become real life friends. Also grateful for the older friendships that have been very present this year and the beautiful community of artist and makers from whom I received a lot of help and moral support. I realize that my art has the power to create bonds and I feel a deep sense of mission accomplished. I feel well aligned with my "something bigger", a reference to a podcast that helped me so much to get through the years, very grateful for that also: ‘’the Feminist Survival Project 2020’’ by twins Emily and Amelia Nagoski. (available on every podcast plateform, I could’nt recommend enough) I was also lucky enough to see the sublime Yseult perform at the end of February just before the start of the measures, a magical moment that I cherish the memories. I lacked for nothing, I ate my fill, I didn't suffer from racism, I had a good dose of oxytocin every day with my big curly poof ball... I am very grateful for the luck I have despite the difficulties and the sores. My wishes for all of us in the coming year is to take care of each other. Self care is has been, going on vacation in the south, taking baths and lighting candles is not much help in the long run if we feel empty and alone. (I think). What really helps well being is to be part of a community, to feel supported, accompanied. I have had this mindset for a little while and I wish for even stronger bonds for us all in 2021. And also be nice to your inner child, dream, be playful, cultivate inspiration EVERYDAY, love to you all! xx Marina
Feliz 2021!